Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Intro to Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intro to Decision Making - Essay Example The methods that the Society employs are expansive. â€Å"Such methods include models for decision-making under conditions of uncertainty or multiple objectives; techniques of risk analysis and risk assessment; experimental and descriptive studies of decision-making behavior.† They also include, â€Å"economic analysis of competitive and strategic decisions; techniques for facilitating decision-making by groups; and computer modeling software and expert systems for decision support (Decision Analysis Society, 2009, pg. 1). These products and services will help other decision makers impact how decisions are framed. This is evident in the type of consumers who use their products. They include â€Å"practitioners, educators, and researchers with backgrounds in engineering, business, economics, statistics, psychology, and other social and applied sciences† (Decision Analysis Society, 2009, pg. 1). In his decision frame, he mainly considered the costs, benefits, and risks in the rational category and the rank, power status; individual/team self-interest; internal competition, turf wars; incentives, rewards, and sanctions in the politics column (Strategic Business Partners, 2009). The factors that Ron did not consider—at least no to the degree that he considered the other factors were instinct and tuition, emotion, symbols, metaphor, and creativity from the non-rational column and values and beliefs, ideology and ethics, organization identity, and culture/shared myths from the culture category. Any of these factors could have caused Ron to come to a different decision. It appears, at an overall glance, that his main motivation was money: How much is this going to cost me and what monetary gains will I get out of it in return? â€Å"Decision framing is based chiefly on subjective expert judgment. Experts provide their own beliefs in the form of their answers, which can be biased. There are many forms of biases: cultural, organizational, motivational, cognitive,

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