Friday, May 31, 2019
Creative Solution to the Energy Crisis Essay -- Methane Digestion Cow
originative answer to the Energy Crisis Picture yourself driving along the winding expanse roads in primordial Vermont, it is early f totally, your windows are open and Joni Mitchell is gracing the airwaves with her soulful melodies. You are at one with the world, you take a deep breath, inhaling the crisp dusk air and then it hits you- the smell. At first its just a whiff, a lead story of something sour. In no time youre rolling up your window as dependable on nausea engulfs you. Twenty four hours a day, heptad days a week, fifty two weeks a year there is one sure thing cow shit. The more tasteful term is manure, but for all of those in the world who live in areas with more bovid citizens than homosexual ones, the smell merits no such enlightened vocabulary. Incredibly, some innovative minds have begun putt bad smells to good use. Cow power is a radical undertaking of Central Vermont populace Service (CVPS) and has been gaining popularity as a way to create electr ical verve and supplemental incomes for dairy farmers in Vermont. There are methane digestion initiatives sympathetic to the one in Vermont be instituted all over the country. The adaptability of the methane digestion process makes methane digestion a viable survival for producing electrical energy with low environmental impacts. Methane digestion is not a immature technology it was first apply in India in 1859 and has recently begun to gain popularity among farmers in the US due to rising energy costs but hush remains a generally unknown energy source (Gardner 2006). The science behind creating electricity from cow manure takes advantage of the natural gasses which are produced by the digestion of manure by bacteria. stolon the manure is collected (usually by a mechanical foot scrapp... ...s. Methane digestion is one of the only methods of energy production that utilizes the waste of human activities. It appears to be an obvious answer to many problems. Usin g animal manure to power our lights and appliances reduces the outfit of concentrated amounts of waste into the environment, eliminates unpleasant odors and reduces the need for fossil fuels on farms-everyone wins. However, the financial stumbling block that has tripped up so many farmers must be surmounted in the future if methane digestion is to become a prevalent source of electricity. maybe as the strain on our available energy sources continues to intensify more unorthodox methods for energy production will become more worthy of presidential term support. Methane digestion, with its unique advantages, is bound to be one of the most successful alternatives to current energy production. Creative Solution to the Energy Crisis Essay -- Methane Digestion CowCreative Solution to the Energy Crisis Picture yourself driving along the winding country roads in central Vermont, it is early fall, your windows are open and Joni Mitchell is gracing the airwaves wit h her soulful melodies. You are at one with the world, you take a deep breath, inhaling the crisp autumn air and then it hits you- the smell. At first its just a whiff, a hint of something sour. In no time youre rolling up your window as full on nausea engulfs you. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, fifty two weeks a year there is one certainty cow shit. The more tasteful term is manure, but for all of those in the world who live in areas with more bovine citizens than human ones, the smell merits no such enlightened vocabulary. Incredibly, some innovative minds have begun putting bad smells to good use. Cow power is a new undertaking of Central Vermont Public Service (CVPS) and has been gaining popularity as a way to create electricity and supplemental incomes for dairy farmers in Vermont. There are methane digestion initiatives similar to the one in Vermont being instituted all over the country. The adaptability of the methane digestion process makes methane digestion a v iable option for producing electricity with low environmental impacts. Methane digestion is not a new technology it was first implemented in India in 1859 and has recently begun to gain popularity among farmers in the US due to rising energy costs but still remains a largely unknown energy source (Gardner 2006). The science behind creating electricity from cow manure takes advantage of the natural gasses which are produced by the digestion of manure by bacteria. First the manure is collected (usually by a mechanical floor scrapp... ...s. Methane digestion is one of the only methods of energy production that utilizes the waste of human activities. It appears to be an obvious solution to many problems. Using animal manure to power our lights and appliances reduces the output of concentrated amounts of waste into the environment, eliminates unpleasant odors and reduces the need for fossil fuels on farms-everyone wins. However, the financial stumbling block that has tripped up so many farmers must be surmounted in the future if methane digestion is to become a prevalent source of electricity. Perhaps as the strain on our available energy sources continues to intensify more unorthodox methods for energy production will become more worthy of government support. Methane digestion, with its unique advantages, is bound to be one of the most successful alternatives to current energy production. Creative Solution to the Energy Crisis Essay -- Methane Digestion CowCreative Solution to the Energy Crisis Picture yourself driving along the winding country roads in central Vermont, it is early fall, your windows are open and Joni Mitchell is gracing the airwaves with her soulful melodies. You are at one with the world, you take a deep breath, inhaling the crisp autumn air and then it hits you- the smell. At first its just a whiff, a hint of something sour. In no time youre rolling up your window as full on nausea engulfs you. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, fifty two weeks a year there is one certainty cow shit. The more tasteful term is manure, but for all of those in the world who live in areas with more bovine citizens than human ones, the smell merits no such enlightened vocabulary. Incredibly, some innovative minds have begun putting bad smells to good use. Cow power is a new undertaking of Central Vermont Public Service (CVPS) and has been gaining popularity as a way to create electricity and supplemental incomes for dairy farmers in Vermont. There are methane digestion initiatives similar to the one in Vermont being instituted all over the country. The adaptability of the methane digestion process makes methane digestion a viable option for producing electricity with low environmental impacts. Methane digestion is not a new technology it was first implemented in India in 1859 and has recently begun to gain popularity among farmers in the US due to rising energy costs but still remains a larg ely unknown energy source (Gardner 2006). The science behind creating electricity from cow manure takes advantage of the natural gasses which are produced by the digestion of manure by bacteria. First the manure is collected (usually by a mechanical floor scrapp... ...s. Methane digestion is one of the only methods of energy production that utilizes the waste of human activities. It appears to be an obvious solution to many problems. Using animal manure to power our lights and appliances reduces the output of concentrated amounts of waste into the environment, eliminates unpleasant odors and reduces the need for fossil fuels on farms-everyone wins. However, the financial stumbling block that has tripped up so many farmers must be surmounted in the future if methane digestion is to become a prevalent source of electricity. Perhaps as the strain on our available energy sources continues to intensify more unorthodox methods for energy production will become more worthy of gover nment support. Methane digestion, with its unique advantages, is bound to be one of the most successful alternatives to current energy production.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The First Job :: essays research papers
The First DayOn June 1, 2003 my thinking on life, changed a little bit. It happened to be a Sunday that I didnt think I would be vent to bed at 230 P.M. in order to go to work. I got under the cover of my bed and I was out like a light. once I got into a very thickset sleep it was hard to get out of it. I heard my alarm go off, and I didnt want to get up, but I got up and started to get dressed. I went out in the kitchen and got something to eat and then packed my lunch for the night.On the way to Van Wert, I was getting very intense. I started to get nervous near what I would be doing and who I would be working with. The closer I got to the factory the more nervous I got. Once I pulled into the parking lot and was shutting my car off, I realized that this isnt a place I would like to work at entirely of my life.Then I was walking into the factory and got clocked in and realized what I was in for. The presses were pounding away on the big coils of steel the air had a humid must y smell that was going to get to me over time. I went into the break room and put my lunch box in the refrigerator. I walked nervously to meet my foreman and he gave me something to do. I was running a 400 degree rubber injection press the first part of the night.At about 200 A.M. the bell rang for the first break. I was happy to here that because I needed a break to get something to drink. I sat down in the break room and sweat was still running down my face. As I was starring up at the TV I thought to myself, this is going to be a long summer. After the ten minute break was over, I walked back out to the press I was running and put on my soaked sleeves and gloves. When I was getting ready to start my press up my foreman came over to me and told me to come with him. All the while I was thinking in my head where is he taking me? What am I going to be doing now?
Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X philosophies Essay -- civil rights
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing. The Civil Rights motility began shortly after the end of World War II. The United States took a big turn with the Supreme Courts decision in the brown vs. the Board of Education case. This decision sparked a revolution that forever changed America. Once this movement began, it didnt stop, there was no turning back and Martin Luther King younger realized this while Malcolm X didnt. He preached a change that African Americans would grow but only through nonviolence. Martin Luther Kings philosophy make more sense for America in the 1960s because it pushed America forward, it stopped killings through nonviolence and love, and it called to make everyone equal and together.Although Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X have the appearance _or_ semblance to have mutual respect and warmth, their philosophies were quite different from each other .Malcolm X made it clear that he believed that the African Americ ans and the White people should reside separate but should be considered equal to each other. He told white people work in conjunc...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Power of a Symbol in The Yellow Wallpaper, The Glass Menagerie and
Years ago, Sister Mary Corita Kent, a celebrated artist and educator of the 1960s and 1970s stated, A painting is a symbol for the universe. Inside it, each piece relates to the other. Each piece is only answerable to the rest of that little world. So, probably in the total universe, there is that kind of total harmony, but we get only little tastes of it (Lewis Quotes from Women Artists). Nowadays, a painting is not the main form of art valet de chambre appreciate. In fact, literature of all sorts can be considered a different form of art and often found in literature are symbols. A symbol is an object, person or action which represents an abstract idea (Warren English 102). In literature, a symbol or set of symbols can have a wide range of meanings. For example, color is a universal symbol some may say it is a general symbol for life. However, each color one by one can symbolize something different depending on the context. Analyzing five piece of literature for symbolism, one wi ll be able to gain a deeper understating of symbols. To begin, the short written report by Charlotte Gilman, The Yellow Wallpaper, uses the deteriorating wallpaper to represent the narrators failing mind. The narrator is suffering and is confined in an uncomfortable house in a room she did not choose she becomes obsessed with the wallpaper of the room. As the icteric wallpaper represents the narrators mind, the statement made by the narrator, The color is repellent, more or less revolting a smoldering unclean yellow, strangely faded by the slow-turning sunlight. It is a dull yet lurid orange in some places, a sickly sulphur tint in others refers to the condition of her mind by suggesting her condition is revolting and unclean. She is fading a management in the su... could these five pieces of literature perchance have in common? The answer to this question is very simple, these pieces of literature each possess symbolic colors that represent something different. Yellow wa llpaper represents a deteriorating mind, a shabby, black box represents a gruesome, sacrificial death, green is the physical representation of power and wealth in society, a mixture of blue and yellow represents the confusion of a clear sky with dead grass and Blue Roses and Blue Mountain represent the longing someone feels for something they can never have. maybe a paining is not the only symbol for the universe. Perhaps every piece of literature is related to each other in such a way that by reading each piece of literature, one can connect the different symbols an author chooses to use and recognize the complex harmony that binds the literature world.
Retail and the Media :: essays research papers
Retail and the MediaTodays media focuses more on a tidy sums mistakes and less on what the companies give back to the community, making it impossible for the public to turn over the truth. In every large corporation, there is going to be a fair share of so called scandals. Unfortunately, the media preys on these scandals to bring us, the public, juicy gossip to pack through the day. In my opinion, most of the scandals brought to the publics attention have no bearing on the products and services a go with brings to the consumer. Low gestate ratesOne of the many topics sellers are hit for is low pay rates. A survey done in 2003, showed the average pay rate for workers in retail to be $6.49. Unfortunately what the media leaves out is the relatively low pay of sales workers is strongly influenced by the large numbers employed in the retail trade industry (Buckley, 2003, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 9). It does not take a lot to run a register, stock a shelf, zone a human face coun ter or unload a truck. You get paid for the job you do.Although the pay rate for a sales worker is low compared to the wage in other areas of interest, most retailers offer other benefits. These benefits include, but are not limited to, the following 401k plans with company contributions health care stock purchase plans with company contributions critical need funds for employees who come upon hard times and some companies even offer college scholarships to employees and their families.Now as you move up in a company, your pay increases with the position. In the same survey done for the average wage of the sales worker, it shows the average rate for a manager is $33.26 (Buckley, 2003, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2). This tends to be something that is overlooked in the media. You can compare it to starting out in an office as a mail clerk. Sure, you work for a big corporation in a big building on Wall Street, but you still are not making the bank. But as you work your track up, your pay rate reflects it. In any job, you have to start out on the bottom and work your way up to career status.Here is an sheath of a mother who stuck with her low paying job and in the end got the pay off
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Relationship Between Culture and Technology Essay -- Environment E
The Relationship Between Culture and Technology The relationship between engineering and culture is cyclical. Logically, a culture will develop technologies based on the needs or desires of the people, because this is where the creative influences lie. As this technology spreads and is absorbed into the peoples lives, it affects their culture and way of life. This change in lifestyle can also occur when a technology developed outside a culture is introduced into the culture, providing an outer influence. As Paul Ehrlich explains, there are technological evolutions and associated pagan evolutions, and they do not necessarily occur concurrently. Ehrlich believes that, in our modern era, technology is evolving faster than culture, and a major cultural evolution needs to occur to be able to deal with modern technology properly. (NPR, Ehrlich) Throughout history, though, there have also been cultural evolutions that lead to the creation and evolution of technology hence, the cycle.Histo ry often makes it evident that when people desire something that another culture has, they show little hesitation in taking it. In many cases, trade has taken the place of blatant theft and warfare, but there are always exceptions. As technologies evolved and spread to divergent parts of the world, the interdependence between peoples increased. At this point there are few self-sustaining societies. (Even our interdependent societies are not permanently sustainable on our Earth). This limitation of resources leads to need, which in turn may lead to warfare. It is true that the civilized, even moral if morality can be an argument in this politically elucidate world approach involves trade and does not involve senseless killing. And... ... up world, and how could it beworth having-Sting, All This TimeSourcesChant, Colin, Chapter 2 Greece in Pre-industrial Cities and Technology, Routledge Press, 1999, pp. 48-80.Econ. Introductory Economics, taught by Prof. Amanda Bayer at State Col lege, Fall 2001.Ehrlich, Paul R., Ch.11 Gods, Dive-Bombers, and Bureaucracy in Human Natures Genes Cultures, and the Human Prospect Island Press, 2000, pp. 253-279.Ehrlich takes the Pope Urban II quote from Burns, 1963, p. 358NPR converse with author Paul Ehrlich on his book Human Natures, Genes, Cultures, and the Human Prospect from October 27, 2000.Teresi, Dick, Lost Discoveries The ancient roots of modern science, Simon and Schuster, 2002, ISBN 0-684-83718-8, pp. 325-367.*****I cant find this source Ehrlich pulls the Pope Urban II quote from Burns, 1963, p. 358
The Relationship Between Culture and Technology Essay -- Environment E
The Relationship Between Culture and Technology The relationship between technology and culture is cyclical. Logically, a culture will develop technologies based on the needs or desires of the people, because this is where the creative influences lie. As this technology spreads and is absorbed into the peoples lives, it affects their culture and way of life. This change in lifestyle can too occur when a technology developed outside a culture is introduced into the culture, providing an external influence. As Paul Ehrlich explains, there ar technological evolutions and associated cultural evolutions, and they do not necessarily occur concurrently. Ehrlich believes that, in our modern era, technology is evolving faster than culture, and a major cultural evolution needs to occur to be able-bodied to deal with modern technology properly. (NPR, Ehrlich) Throughout history, though, there have also been cultural evolutions that lead to the creation and evolution of technology hence, the cycle.History often makes it unmingled that when people desire something that another culture has, they show little hesitation in taking it. In many cases, trade has taken the place of glaring theft and warfare, but there are always exceptions. As technologies evolved and spread to different parts of the world, the interdependence between peoples increased. At this point there are few self-sustaining societies. (Even our interdependent societies are not permanently sustainable on our Earth). This limitation of resources leads to need, which in turn may lead to warfare. It is true that the civilized, as yet moral if morality can be an argument in this politically correct world approach involves trade and does not involve senseless killing. And... ... up world, and how could it beworth having-Sting, All This TimeSourcesChant, Colin, Chapter 2 Greece in Pre-industrial Cities and Technology, Routledge Press, 1999, pp. 48-80.Econ. Introductory Economics, taught by Prof. Amanda Baye r at State College, Fall 2001.Ehrlich, Paul R., Ch.11 Gods, Dive-Bombers, and Bureaucracy in Human Natures Genes Cultures, and the Human position Island Press, 2000, pp. 253-279.Ehrlich takes the Pope Urban II quote from Burns, 1963, p. 358NPR interview with author Paul Ehrlich on his book Human Natures, Genes, Cultures, and the Human Prospect from October 27, 2000.Teresi, Dick, Lost Discoveries The ancient roots of modern science, Simon and Schuster, 2002, ISBN 0-684-83718-8, pp. 325-367.*****I cant find this source Ehrlich pulls the Pope Urban II quote from Burns, 1963, p. 358
Monday, May 27, 2019
Brazil Economy Essay
1. What atomic number 18 some of the advantages that a strong Brazilian currency does for its population, and what be some of the challenges of having a strong currency relative to another currency? Global economic forces have served Brazil well in recent years. As a leading exporter of raw materials such as Soya and iron ore, the South American nation has benefited from the Chinese-fueled commodities boom. The instability in exchange rates amid currencies creates difficulties for international trade and investment, for wrinkle planning, and for national economies, with impacts on prices and inflation.2. Explain why the Brazilian government is concerned about its balance of trade with China? They atomic number 18 concerned because more Brazilians are buying in China now which could damage businesses in Brazil. Brazil remains a complicated place to do business for foreign-based companies. Challenges include a highly complex and expensive tax and labor environment, burdensome bure aucracy, costly credit, lingering corruption and deep social imbalances.3. What does a higher external demand for goods and services in a country do for the example of living of its citizens? This would help them have a better standard of living so that they are able to buy their own homes.1. Explain the role of capitalism in the 100-year growth of Nederlander concerts. Individual industry growth take issue from each other in many ways. Indeed, no two are exactly alike. Some industries are dominated by booms. After a concise recession, there is a rapid recovery that leads to a prolonged boom. Over a 100-year life of such a cycle, there might be 20 years of recession and depression followed by eighty years of prosperity accompanied by less(prenominal)er fluctuations. The Nederlanders have managed to stay in business for over 100 years which shows that being a small business with a well grounded foundation could be the key to success.2. Why is Nederlander able to bill higher pric es for small theater performances when audiences could pay less at stadium concerts? Because the space has limited seating but big name entertainment they are able to monopolize off of the consumer by charging higher prices to see a big nameentertainer. As a consumer I would pay the higher prices so that I am able to be in a smaller concert environment in my opinion less people mean less problems.3. Would you expect the current slump in the U.S economy to affect Nedelanders ticket sales? Why or Why Not? I entert think it would have any affect on ticket sales, because even though the economy is in a slump we still request entertainment, and socialization therefore people would find the money to do something that they would enjoy.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Pest Analysis of KfC Essay
1.0 introductionKentucky fried chicken also knows as KFC, the world most large and headspring knows fast victuals restaurant that have more than 10 thousands locations worldwide in more than 80 countries. People from younger succession to older age also know the slogan of KFC, which is Finger lickin Good, and the old man with white suits hand holding a black color crutch. Nowadays, we derriere find oneself KFC in any shopping centre, or nigh popular location. We fuck get service or their product easily, it really convenient. I want to convey a gent analysis of this company. First I have to cover the history of KFC, and hat services and products that KFC provide.History of KFCKFC, Kentucky fried chicken is born at category 1950 at a remarkable pace from one road side restaurant into an internationally renowned restaurant chain. KFC is founded by Harland Sanders in Corbin, Kentucky. He was born on a small farm in Henryville, Indiana, America, in 1890. Sanders open his first r estaurant in a small front direction of a gas station in Corbin, Kentucky. He had names the dining atomic number 18a as Sanders Court & Caf.In year 1936, Kentucky Governor Ruby Laffoon makes Sanders an honorary Kentucky Colonel in recognition of his recognition of his contributions to the states cuisine. Sanders also developed a unique, quick method of spicing and pressure frying chicken. Finally, the business growth exceeded until he cannot handle, so he sold it to a group of people formed the Kentucky Fried chicken.In 1964 Sanders sold Kentucky Fried Chicken to an investor group headed by arse Y. Brown, Jr. and Nashville financier John (Jack) Massey that Colonel Sanders still was Kentucky Fried Chicken Goodwill Ambassador for helping and giving suggestion. Sanders Colonel died in 1980 he was 90 year old. Although he is no longer with us, his philosophies of gruelling work and excellent service we provide to our customers will al paths be a part of KFC tradition.Products and s ervicesThe briny product of KFC of ca using up is the original fried chicken. After this, the spicy fried chicken is coming up near. Except of these products, KFC also provide many contrasting kind of fast food. For utilization, salads, sides, big box meal, meal for kids, desserts, and much different type of plated meals. Now the latest product is twister, it helps KFC growing many profit. People can put together depends on their wants. It really convenient for customers. KFC also provide much kind of services, such as 24 hour service, free delivery for some selected location, online ordering, eruptdoor catering, kid play areas, special dining facility for business customers and more. It can save customers time and costs. That why people like to have meal at KFC.2.0 Company chapPEST stands for political, economical, social, and technological. It is important for a business beca implement it will go the environmental impact of the business. Recognition is a useful way of pe sts, and looks forward to the external environment of commercial operation. The strategic that KFC use is demographic, the following factors are included in the demographical of the PEST of KFC. The first one is age, at that place is no age limit is focus by KFC, and they but target on every age of the society. But I think that KFC will target on younger more than the older. The second is household size, KFC will more target on a whole family members, that why KFC have provide many family packages meals. The next one is cosmos. Population have played an important role in KFC. The light of population they can make their strategy.2.0.1 Political factorsPolitical is the first component of PEST, it will influence the business in many type of way. Political can make many advantages and opportunities for a business. For example, in government policies. KFC have to chase the policies of the government in the location they run their business although KFC is a foreign company. KFC have handled this policy very well and obey the policy of the government, in order to run this type of business in that particular location. The next policy is price policies. KFC maintain the price policy by the way of keeping in the view of income distribution of the people who living in the country. This is the reason why KFC had targeted all theclasses.2.0.2 Economic factorsEconomic is the second element of PEST, all the organization is touched by the national and global economic factors. The first one is income. Income is important factor for KFC it is because incomes will decides which class KFC is going to target. In the early year of KFC, they only forces on the upper class. After few years, KFC start to demonstrate some meals that target on the middle and the upper level. The next economic factor is payment methods. KFC will do some research on what payment methods is convenient for their customers, then only check whether collect money in the form of coin or plastic money.2. 0.3 Social factorsThe leash element of PEST is society. It concentrates forces on family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, and media. The first factor is social class. Social class divide into 3 classes, there are upper class, middle class, and lower class. As I say early, KFC had targeted all the classes to increase the profit of the company. The next two factors are farming and religion. Although the culture of KFC is different, but KFC also try to adopt the different culture from different location. For example, KFC had adopted the Pakistani cultures. KFC is not only adopting the culture, but also the religion also. KFC put forward Halal food to the customers, this is mean that they accepted the Muslim religion.2.0.4 Technological factorsThe last element of PEST is technological factors. This is the progress of technology has been greatly changed the way they do business. The first factor of technologic is pace of change. It is same meaning of rate of change. KFC had make a st rategy, if they think is time to introduce the new technologic, they only will out the technologic. The next two factors are research and development, and capital formation. These two factors are important factors of technologic. KFC support the work of research and development in order to introduce the new technology. KFC also has a stock of machinery to run their business activities.2.1 information of PESTPEST is use to identity external forces adjoining the business. This is someexample that shown the businesss political, economical, social and technological environment. To indentify the environment, the company have to compete in future, it have to understand the power ad shape variation. In the PEST analysis, it will consider every factor is involved in the entire business environment.There are some examples of PEST PoliticalPolitical factors influence organisations in many ways. Political factors can create advantages and opportunities for organisations. It had includes the le gal and regulatory, elections, employment law, customer protection, environment regulations, taxes, political trend and more.EconomicalEconomical factors included economic growth trends, consumer confidence index, government spending levels, exchange rates, taxation, disposable income, unemployment, tariffs, inflation, production levels and more.SocialIt included demographics, health, living standards, housing trends, fashion, lifestyle changes, diversity, immigration/emigration, attitudes to work, leisure activities, occupations, population shifts, trends, fads and earning capacity.TechnologicalIt included bio-tech, health, research, communications, inventions, internet, information technology, transportation, rates of obsolescence, manufacturing advances, genetics, waste removal/recycling, and so on.3.0 The effect of PESTPEST will influence the company earn, there are some example of the effects of PEST factors that I want to shown below The first element of PEST is political. Pol itical is an important part of PEST, it will affect the price change of the company. For example, if government want to increase the taxes, business have to pay more taxes therefore, the price will increase. Just like alcoholic drink, the increase of the tax rate effect the markedly reduced. On another hand, employment law also play an important roles is political, it protect the benefit of employees, be upright to employees. The second element is economic. If the economic inflation is low, it will cause the company to cut cost and reduce the profit margins. It will affect thecompany hard to pass on to the consumer.Another effect is, the demand is buyout, the cost of capital is low, and it will attract investment and growth of the company of being profitable. Although a deject economy will generally be a treat which results in a number of organizations going out of business, it can provide opportunities for some (Robinson and et al., 1978 Thompson, 2002). The third element is soci al. It affects the population health, lifestyle change and more. For example, social had forces KFC to change menus because of the health consciousness. The changing of the demographics will affect the company, for example, the chaining of the population of age, regions, numbers of working and more can influence the demand for the product or service.This is the affect of the social on PEST. The last element of PEST is technological. Technological will affect the energy use and the cost. For example, the company use machine to produce the product, it will save more energy and time compare to workers. Nowadays, technology is popular of organization a business. They use internet to promote their product, it had increase the convenient of people. New technology can increase the profit of company, but before use the technology, company have to put up some employees to attend the training.4.0 ConclusionThe PEST analysis is important for every business. It is very important to have PEST c ontrol in all food company. A good PEST can helps us to avoid taking the wrong action from begin, it for the reasons beyond the control. PEST is important for start business on a new area or countries. It helps you to faster adapt to the realities of the new environment. The political, economic, social and technology stand for PEST. Use PEST headlines from the characteristics, agitate countries or regions, and drop behind conclusions important strength, change the scope of business. PEST is a useful tool for a business to control their economic and some policies of the country.With the analysis of pests, can fill the horizon of the company, and the longer to clarify strategic opportunity and threat the organizations face. Through the observation of the potential external environment, we can see the changes on the horizon, the enterprise imminent strategic picturening process from the stage and the horizon in day of tomorrow. Not a set of strict pests ideas need to be classified i nto the compartment. This is the best one, canbe used to fish for important facts.5.0 References Wichudaa Hnoodaam (2009). Background KFC Corporation. Online Aug 7th 2009. Available from World Wide Web http// accessed 12nd oct 2010 2009. Strategy- introduction to PEST analysis. Online available from World Wide Web http// accessed 12nd oct 2010 Learn 2009. Marketing environment- PEST analysis. Online available from World Wide Web http// Accessed 12nd oct 2010 Khawaja Naveed 2010. KFC marketing plan for Pakistan. Online available from World Wide Web http// . accessed 12nd oct 2010 Lucky ee 2008. KFC new product plan. Online available from World Wide Web http// accesses 12nd oct 2010 A level of achievement business studies A level resources 2004. PEST analysis. online http// accessed 13rd Oct 2010 PEST analysis. online http// accessed 13rd Oct 2010
Friday, May 24, 2019
Criminal Justice organizational trends Essay
The criminal justice system has gone through many changes throughout the past decades. passim its journey the criminal justice system has been reformed numerous times striving to perfect its process. Because of the numerous changes to the format it has been expanded and is unrecognizable from the days when perfect(a) management and organisational theories were first developed and conceived. In this document I will compargon the use of privatization, e-corporation, and militarization of criminal justice organizations with current organizational structures, historical and traditional organizational behavior theories, and explain how theories of motivation affect criminal justice organizations.What is an organization and its purpose? The purpose of an organization is to combine its resources, and maximize its manpower in the best possible fashion so that organization can get the desired results with maximum efficiency. After years of trial and fault the criminal justice system has ad apted its thought process and embraced commercialization and privatization of its core. Throughout the years the criminal justice system has heard the voice of the conjunction and the peoples cry for justice due to the lack of personal responsibility taken by criminal justice professionals from inefficient community policing to corrupt jurisprudence enforcement. Because the regime has heard the overwhelming concern for its criminal justice departments they have allowed privatized companies to spearhead the proceedings. There has been an influx and privately owned faithfulness enforcement companies and agencies. Private law enforcement professionals are estimated to outnumber public servants 3 to 1.Research has shown that privatization of criminal justice is an effective way of reducing cost and recidivism. Government agencies are able to contract privatized punitory facility, policing agencies and early(a) forms ofcriminal justice. The governments main reason for contracting w ith privatized organization is to efficiently manage their resources and maximize their efficiency. This consists of our government contracting with private guard organizations who are held responsible for CSI trim, parking enforcement, communications, accounting, maintenance, investigation background checks and etc. a bigger aspect of what our government privatizing law enforcement today is in our correctional facilities. inside these facilities every aspect of a correctional facility is controlled by the private company who holds the government contracts. Every aspect of the facility is outsourced to these private companies from maintenance to vocational training.Militarization is the use of force for the effective ruling of a population. Not only is a force used to resolve policy issues, but alike to control the people (Simpson, 2009). Using this definition the police may gain a status of power. This power is perceived by society at a cost because this method of power defies h umane rights, democracy, and law mechanisms. If the government was to utilize the militarization control society would have a hard time evaluate such violations of their civil right. The use of militarization in the criminal justice field would have a negative effect. Militarization would undermine womens equality, the authorization of civil policing and the loss of protection for communities.What are E-Corporation, they are institutions that are managed and are responsible to the stakeholders they are privately or publicly owned and usually dealing technologies. How does E-company translate into the criminal justice world? E-corporations in the criminal justice world usually are comprised of computer technologies that importune on utilizing extremely practiced technicians to maintain its optimal performance. These companies can be compared to companies like Kerpersky who specialize in antivirus software.Like Kerpersky these E-corporation specialized in securing sensitive inform ation privy only to law enforcement. Without the corporations law enforcement agencies would not be able to protect sensitive information from novice hackers. This would compromise any sensitive information collected by law enforcement agencies creating strain on theentire criminal justice system.Criminal motivational theories include such theories as self-determination theory, in this theory individuals receive much of an intrinsic value by accomplishing the mission. Getting your man or criminal can be a great feeling of accomplishment and very self-motivated. As far as extrinsic alley you I believe the majority of the criminal justice professions have great retirement plans and an individual can wreak hard towards achieving that goal. Another theory is the goal setting theory this theory applies to the criminal justice field by motivating the individuals to be part of a team and to accomplish the mission they are given regardless on the difficulty of the task I myself find meani ngless task and complacent work to be daunting I find myself being bored out of my mind when I am challenged my day goes by so much faster and at the end of the day I feel more productive as an officer.The final theory Id like to discuss the two factors theory. In the criminal justice field employees must feel like they have the opportunity to advance their positions within the department or facility otherwise they become unmotivated and jaded. Allowing the chance for advancement within the fields you the employee a sense of satisfaction in achieving higher position. Also ensuring that your employee has job security is a great motivator for individuals to continue excelling at their positions.In conclusion, privatization of criminal justice is an efficient means in reducing recidivism and is cost-efficient it involves rewarding contracts to private companies for policing, incarceration, and other aspects of criminal justice. Militarization is the use of force for the effective ru ling of a population. E-corporations in the criminal justice world usually are comprised of computer technologies that insist on utilizing extremely skilled technicians to maintain its optimal performance. All supervisors in the criminal justice field should have a firm grasp on the theories of motivation. Supervisors should maintain these theories to create positive motivation for their subordinates especially in the criminal justice field where rewards are far and few between and the act of self-motivation is self-asserting to accomplishing the mission.ReferencesBenson, B. L. (1996). Privatization in criminal justice. Retrieved from http// Organizational Behavior- Chapter 5. Retrieved from https//, J. E. (2013). . Retrieved from http//
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Effects of Evaluation and Monitoring of Ecde Programmes Essay
The researcher go out attempt to investigate the background information, statement of the problem, purpose of the report neutral of the study, significant of the study, limitation of the study and delimitation of the study. The period between 0-6 course of studys is also referred to as formative years. According to guideline series (2006) children be extremely dependent on the heap for life sustaining support for example in provision of food, shelter, clothing and attention.Through interaction, punishment and rewards children turn to be individuals whom teachers, parents and other parcel out givers want them to be. This period is real important for children because it is the foundation of their total life. Experiences of these years continue to influence the individual throughout life. It is also a period of the fastest growth and development in all aspects. The brain of the child is most malleable at this stage and hence influences such as care have greater impact.It is the refore very important to invest in early years of a child because research findings show that holistic development of an individual is during thee years Ragor(2008). Most know psychologist like Freud and Piaget came up with their theories after many years of observing infants in their formative years. In the united states of America(USA), the CCB is dedicated to enhancing the quality and affordable child care services for all families that was according internet(July 2001).CCB administers federal funds to states territories and tribes to assist low income families in accessing child care service while parents participate in instruction or training activities. CCB also funds a network of Technical Assistance projects that promote quality and strengthen programme administration. It also shares research findings and facilitate policy makers, programme administrators, communities, caregivers and parents to understand and make good decisions about child care.In Mauritius ECDE is under the Ministry of Women Rights, child development, family welfare and Ministry of Education. 0% of pre-school are run by the state. In 1998 Ministry of Education Acts put the teacher pupil ratio of 119. The sector is dominated by untrained caregivers with no minimum qualification. There are three types of staff for example school directors, teachers, and assistant teachers. Teachers have a general education of specific training for pre-school teaching provided by credited Mauritius make of Education. Teachers and their assistants are paid by the judicature. Teachers, helpers, learners and auxiliary staff are paid by Parents Teachers Association (PTA).The researcher found that in Kenya after independence the government got directly involve in education activities of young children. Nursery schools and Day-care centres were established. They became directly under the Ministry of Health and Home Affairs. These ministries inspected schools that were stated at that time. The responsibil ity was later shifted to the Ministry of Education. more seminars were held which covered all areas including co-ordination, supervision, provision of materials, research and sources of finance.Training programmes were organized for trainers and supervisors so that they could monitors and evaluate ECDE programmes in the grassroots level. However streamly according to Ngaroga(2006) the government to contributed to the current expenditure on early childhood development education (ECDE) is 0. 1% where as the primary education is free. At the county level, the ECDE teachers are employed and paid by different employers namely community, parents, local authorities or Faith Based Organizations (FBO).This combination of emotional security and stimulation does not just happen. Those developing and implementing platform should bear in mind the ways in which they will create these. Active planning of good routine and activities as well as toys and equipment that will encourage children to pl ay and explore is fundamental. Teachers, caregivers and parents ought to have knowledge skills and attitudes towards helping children to acquire them. Despite government vision to have education for all by the year (2015), quality education has never been realized since the ECDE sector has not been given the attention it deserves.Ngaroga(2005) states that little has been done about educational assessment which should be conducted by various professionals in order to establish the educational needs of the child. This involves very thorough examination of the child in relation to the capabilities and handicap the child is identify to be having. This assessment involves various personnel in different fields. Evaluation and monitoring motivates the learner and measures his or her achievement of the intended objectives and progress.It also enables teachers to give an objective report of an individual childs performance and determine the usefulness of the method used in teaching children. Thus provides the basis for improving educational programmes.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Human Resource Development Essay
In both definitions we see that hit the booksing was in some form menti iodined as world part of human resource development, and from further beneathstanding of HRD we see that learning is important in all aspects of HRD efforts. According to the text Human Resource watchfulness by Jon M. Werner and Randy L. DeSimone they defined learning a relatively permanent change in behavior, cognition, or affect that occurs as a result of ones interaction with the environment.There are three basic principles of learning contiguity, the law of effect and practice. Practice is stated to be repeating the event with the try for that it will increase the strength of what is beingness taught. For example in any sporting area practice is needed to strengthen the players and so to in the fear environment. In understanding how practice works in order to maximize learning we look at the primary area of the training design under the categories of conditions of practice and retention of what is lea rned.There are at least six issues that relate to practice and learning they are active practice, massed versus spaced practice sessions, unscathed versus part learning, overlearning , experience of result and task sequences. From the six issues the three that I would considers using are roundive practice proposes that the individual who is being taught should be granted the luck to repeatedly perform the task or use the knowledge being learned. For example surgeons, rescue squad, pilots, just to name a few should be given avenues to practice hat they learned. Same goes for training the mechanics to install the automobile air-conditioners using the new installation procedures, if the mechanics are allowed to practice the theory that was taught it would gift room for better understanding of what is required of them and result in better outcomes on the jobs confirming , that the new procedures was learnt. Massed versus spaced practice involve whether the training should be conduct ed in one session or divided into segments separated by a period of time.Studies have shown that spaced practice sessions lead to better achievement and longer retention but are more effect for difficult and complex tasks, however the task at hand isnt difficult and preempt be taught in one session. Overlearning is practice beyond the point at which the material or task is mastered. This is another condition in which the trainers sens accomplish when training the mechanics to install the air conditioners using the new procedures, giving the mechanics enough opportunities to keep practicing the task will soon become ingenuous The goal goes beyond the trainee learning the task or material but also accommodateing it.There are three additional issues that influence retention these are the meaningfulness of the material, the degree of original learning and interference. The more meaningful and factual the information is the easier it is learned and remembered and since the new proc edure is important for the installation of the air conditioners the mechanics would undertake more interest and retain the information effectively , as they would see it fit to keep their jobs and acquire more customers.Secondly for the mechanics to continually retain the information being learned there should be little or no interference or it should be taken into consideration when training. This meaning that sometimes the knowledge of the old procedure might affect the way the mechanics learn the new procedure also if new steps are added mend installing the air conditioner in a different vehicle it can cause confusion in the learning process.The case of the new Employee Assistant course Act, since it is an act where information may be presented in a document and the managers can always refer to it when needed, I would suggest using the conditions of active practice. This being the Employees Assistance Programme Act would be something that they would have to implement everyday so it would certainly give the managers the opportunity to perform the task and use the knowledge being used.Also because there is no real step by step process of implementing the act then the conditions of a massed practice session can be put in place, for example a meeting can be held where all managers are taught and given an explanation of the act and why it is necessary, as well as the document of the act where they can refer to when needed. By giving an explanation and ensure the managers what is the purpose and the reason for the Employee Assistant Programme Act , it leaves room for better retention since they are aware of the meaningfulness of they are being taught.Also distinguishing the difference from similar acts can reduce the interference of confusion and misunderstands. In conclusion if the these conditions and retentions are used in the training design both the employees and the managers can experience maximum learning and show that in order to learn practice is requ ired. Read more http//www. businessdictionary. com/definition/human-resource-development-HRD. htmlixzz2MgJJc071
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
10 Effects of Smoking in Health
10 set up of Smoking in Health Are you aware round effects of smoking habiliments? Scientific studies reveal that smoking causes short-term as well as long-term effects on wellness. American Lung Association says smoking affects around 9 million people in U. S alone, and it causes the remnant of approximately 450,000 individuals per year. Cancer is a common wicked threat of smoking. It also causes several(prenominal) aesthetic problems, cardiovascular problems, respiratory problems and reproductive health problems. This article discusses about various negative effects of smoking. 1.Respiratory Health Effects Tobacco contains several toxic substances that damage our lungs and another(prenominal) respiratory organ while inhaling. It seriously affects larynx and trachea which in turn result in the permanent killing of lungs. Long-term smoking causes gravelly side effects like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, emphysema and chronic bronchitis. 2. Cardiovascular Health Effects Smoking causes the narrowing of melodic phrase vessels and arteries by depositing several toxic substances. This affects their normal functioning, and causes high blood pressure.Prolonged smoking gradually leads to nerve problems& blood clots, which may result in heart attacks or strokes. 3. plenty Health Effects Smoking causes vision problems like macular degeneration and cataracts. Researches show that long-term smoking causes incurable vision problems that may even result in blindness. 4. Reproductive Health Effects Smoking causes less production of estrogenhormone that is linked to infertility in women. Premature birth, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), under weight problems, and early menopause are common reproductive effects in women. Long-term smoking causes impotency in men. 5.Skin Health Effects Premature aging, yellowish skin and wrinkles are commonly found side effects of smoking. Skin damage is directly linked to smoking since it restricts the ade quate blood flow in skin. Majority of addicted smokers lose their appetite and reduce the intake of food. Inadequate nutrition and food habits result in serious health effects on skin. 6. Psychological Effects smoking has addictive side effects since it contains Nicotine. Majority of smokers believe that smoking makes them feel relief. However, truth is that smoking causes several addictive problems, which may result in depression and anxiety. 7.Digestion Problems Smoking causes heartburn problems, liver damage, reduced appetite, crohns disease and ulcers. Long-term smoking results in the damage of esophagus, and that causes blistering reflux & heart-burn problems. Crohns disease is a severe intestine disease that causes diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc. 8. Respiratory Alignments Health and Human Services of U. S reveals that smokers are more than prone to respiratory alignments like flu, pneumonia, cold, bronchitis, etc. They also take longer recovery time compared to normal pers ons. 9. Athletic Performance Issues Smoking affects the physical physical fitness of an individual.Long-term smokers are more prone to injuries and accidents. Smokers have reduced capacity to generate sufficient muscle cell & collagen to generate muscles. 10. Other Effects Smoking causes unnameable body odor and bad breath as well. Since smokers have reduced smell sense, they may not consider it as an issue. There are about 5 million people in the world die in each year from the effects of smoking. Smoking is an unnecessary health hazard that causes serious effects. Quitting this habit is not easy. However, when you quit smoking you not only save your health but also our environment
Monday, May 20, 2019
Informal learning Essay
Traditional and formal education has been for a long time been the archetype and de facto system in order to deliver breeding. Especially considering the classroom set up, where in there is a teacher, a student, a classroom, and a designated curriculum for the discussion that is facilitated by the teacher, the method of formal education is deeply relies upon in our culture in order to deliver the information that is required for learning (Sefton-Green, 2004).This paper does not attempt to deny or ignore the efficiency of a formal education set up. However, recently, a growing number of academic studies curb pointed towards daily education to be efficient and impressive this bequeath especially in the multi-faceted field of learning and education. The paper does not claim that daily education could give up a substitute and an alternative for formal education.What it does stress, however, is that internal education may be a genuine accompaniment to formal and tralatitious m ethods of teaching and that if properly used and combined with traditional means of information teaching, could yield larger results especially in the classroom set up where students have been pointed out by research to be having multiple levels and kinds of learning, education, and reception methods. Such informal education has been implemented by galore(postnominal) academic institutions around the world.In fact, the choice of educational institution often relies not unless on the ability of teachers to deliver content through traditional classroom means, just also the sundry(a) facilities, activities, and informal learning methods that the school and educational institution implements e-learning framework of students. However, as has been the case by the Montessori institution problem, informal education, much like formal education, needs a specific design in order for it to be effective and efficient. One could not just throw a hodgepodge of activities and claim it to be eff ective informal education techniques.The identification process is just as rough as the teaching itself. Researchers who have undergone the subject of marking essential academic informal education processes have highlighted the efficiency of statistics taking into consideration various variables that focus on that specific market and demographic. For example, although it has been proven that learning games had been efficient in Western schools, that method of informal education is not so effective in eastern schools because children ar used to the traditional classroom set up a formal education which they have been introduced to in the past.Alternatively, eastern schools make use of such learning games only through gradual adaptation, unlike those that had been implemented in western education where it was fully merged immediately knew the curriculum of schoolchildren. Therefore, the best method in order to identify these informal learning methods is to understand the demograp hics, the market, and the behavior of the students where such curriculum would be taught and adapt them to not only the learning result that may be brought about by the informal education method nevertheless also the social context which it shall be taught to.Another example of informal learning that is being integrated into discussions of undergraduate programs, especially in the fields of political science, philosophy, and the tenderities, is the teaching method that requires constant interaction with students and allowing them to vocalize out their opinions without the permission of teachers and profs.This method has traditionally been associated to the discussion group method where in the teacher and professor is not considered the highest knowledge giving body in the classroom but rather a facilitator in the discussion where in the students would be voicing out their own opinions and learnings from the subject matter rather than being imposed upon by the strict curriculum.E specially in the humanities, and the subject matters we have identified above were in it is essential for students to have an analytical perspective and not just a memorized body of standardized knowledge, this informal learning method would not only be more effective with respect to academic learning, but also be more efficient with respect to further training and development of the students depending on the chosen field.Yet another example that we could point out in an academic institution are those that are being implemented in sports programs in utility(prenominal) school. It has long been a proven fact that physiological education may be able to teach concepts such as teamwork, relationship building, and trust that is precise difficult to learn in a formal and traditional classroom set up. However, recently, researchers have determined such physical education classes to integrate informal learning with formal learning processes by instituting lessons of human kinetics to t he sports programs themselves.Children are not just integrate the two sports and extracurricular activities without first identifying the various detail and focus as well as the science behind such training. For example, Gym classes in secondary schools have for a long time integrated limpid activities for the student body. Recently, however, before such swimming training is integrated to the students, students are first introduced to the human kinetics and science of respiratory improvement and cardiovascular training that could be found in swimming exercises (Lucas, 1983).The promotion of such activities would be less difficult nowadays especially because recent research have pointed towards such informal education to be unwrap aspects in student improvement. However, in institutions where such research and discussions have not reached, educators and school heads may be given solid research and peer-reviewed articles about the effectiveness and efficiency of such informal lea rning in their institutions and how it may be able to significantly increase the capabilities both academic and nonacademic standards of their students.
Recommendation letter for OJT Essay
MRS. MERCEDES B. RODIEL June 3, 2013Head, papers Processing wholeBureau of Internal RevenueCabanatuan CityDear Mrs. RodielChristian GreetingsOur Bachelor of intuition in calling Administration Major in Financial Management requires assimilator in bureau Practicum to undergo a 240-hour On-the-Job Training outside the campus to expose and orient them to effective business practices. In this connection, whitethorn we recomm destination Ms. Kristine Rhonalyn Rodiel, BSBA Student to undergo fostering in your office, to enable her to have sex the requirements in the subject. embossment aware that she is given the necessary orientation with respect to office protocol, such as keeping hidden information. We hope she will be assigned to do a job think to his written report of concentration. Also, may we ask your good office to give the necessary certificate at the end of his training period, to bear witness the satisfactory completion of his office training. Thank you very much and more power. really truly yours,DR. LUISA S. ZERRUDO political program Head, Business AdministrationNotedDR. MARIA VICTORIA C. MONESDean, College of Business and AccountancyMRS. MERCEDES B. RODIEL June 3, 2013Head, Document Processing UnitBureau of Internal RevenueCabanatuan CityDear Mrs. RodielChristian GreetingsOur Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Financial Management requires student in Office Practicum to undergo a 240-hour On-the-Job Training outside the campus to expose and orient them to actual business practices. In this connection, may we cheer Ms. Roxanne P. Calderon, BSBA Student to undergo training in your office, to enable her to complete the requirements in the subject. Rest assured that she is given the necessary orientation with respect to office protocol, such as keeping surreptitious information. We hope she will be assigned to do a job related to his field of concentration. Also, may we ask your good office to give the necessary certifi cate at the end of his training period, to attest the satisfactory completion of his office training. Thank you very much and more power.Very truly yours,DR. LUISA S. ZERRUDOProgram Head, Business AdministrationNotedDR. MARIA VICTORIA C. MONESDean, College of Business and AccountancyMRS. MERCEDES B. RODIEL June 3, 2013Head, Document Processing UnitBureau of Internal RevenueCabanatuan CityDear Mrs. RodielChristian GreetingsOur Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Financial Management requires student in Office Practicum to undergo a 240-hour On-the-Job Training outside the campus to expose and orient them to actual business practices. In this connection, may we recommend Mr. Jan PaulValdoviezo, BSBA Student to undergo training in your office, to enable him to complete the requirements in the subject. Rest assured that he is given the necessary orientation with respect to office protocol, such as keeping confidential information. We hope he will be assigned to do a job related to his field of concentration. Also, may we ask your good office to give the necessary certificate at the end of his training period, to attest the satisfactory completion of his office training. Thank you very much and more power.Very truly yours,DR. LUISA S. ZERRUDOProgram Head, Business AdministrationNotedDR. MARIA VICTORIA C. MONESDean, College of Business and Accountancy
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Religious diversity Essay
A bundle of chapter three talks about religious diversity wherein despite the domineering European immigrants taking firearm in Protestant belief during the time of colonization some were still generally not expressive about their faith or worship. Some people still keep their beliefs and practices private, if they establish any such beliefs or affiliations to religious organizations. In contrast however, Asian countries still have people who openly and freely express their faith in and relationship with their Supernatural Being.Most of them assimilate their living values and beliefs from the teachings of religion in different kinds. From this topic, atomic number 53 can meet various people who express their faith in different manners. Muslims and Jewish, for example, express their faith by prohibiting themselves from eating pork. Meanwhile, some religious groups communicate their belief by following with piety and faith their Supreme Being in processions and the like. After re ading the entire topic, the unmatched thing I can comment on is the interest of every religious group to carry on values to its disciples despite its variation.Regardless of the religious teachings done by most institutions though, some families still have apparently considered school teachings in conflict with the families own beliefs and perspectives. Nevertheless, the scenario still shows that no matter how the religion of one is indifferent from the others, religion still remains to be something that has deeply marked everyones way of come on to faith. And it is the simplicity of how things are done in expressing ones faith that makes religion a crew of religious diversification and devotion.Religion in this way is promoted as an important asset for all all the same if they believe from different religions young people and old, not just as personal interest, but as something that can be used to find peace for ones mind and soul. These simple encounters from the clause have taught me how to be freer to express my faith. More so, it has given me an impression to deal with all things in cracking fervor all for the love of my religion. Reference Olsen, G. , & Fuller, M. L. (2008) Home-School Relations Working Successfully with Parents and Families, Third Edition. Merill.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
nutrition p sifts and the orbiculate demand for nutrition learn been on the rise in recent years. The catalyst for riots world-wide and sustenance risk has caused widespread disturbances in agricultural industries. nutriment peril exists when spate do not have adequate physical, social or frugal access to victuals (FAO, unite Nations 2009). It is captivating and renowned to mention that there is enough victuals to feed twice the earths population yet, forage is not macrocosm equally distributed. This renders a high percentage of the worlds population devoid and hungry. Local g everyplacenments, intellectual nourishment rights activists, worldwide trade institutions, and non-governmental organizations argon becoming increasingly concerned with intellectual nourishment dissemination and nutriment sovereignty (Schanbacher, 2010). Neoliberal processes that controldistribution and consumption are dominating policies regarding food work. global trade institution and multinational corporations dominate the entire food chain, and as a resoluteness the global food system has encountered a crisis. The food crisis that persists today is by no means a choppy disaster that has struck the agricultural persistence. It is the manifestation of a long-standing crisis in agriculture. Neoliberal global food systems have signifi squirttly circumscribed the dynamics of agricultural mathematical product and farmers no longer have control over the food they produce and are subjected to volatile markets (Borras, 2009). Data collected by the United Nations intellectual nourishment and coarse Organization between 2004 and 2006 shows that the number of undernourished people in the world has been steadily increasing for roughly twain decades. The report showed that there was little or no progress being made towards land Food Summit targets to reduce hunger and that most of the countries were perplexing from undernourishment (FAO, United Nations, 2009) .While lesser-developed countries do benefit from some aspects of neoliberal globalization, it must be s financial embolden that the same processes put marginalized societies at essay impoverished farmers are no exception. These vulnerable farmers endure diminished technological resources and face stiff competitor from capital-intensive foreign producers (Friedman, 2005). For decades the food industrys hegemonic agents have perpetuated liberalized and unsustainable food systems that have resulted in many countries to dropping victim to food danger. Such a grave and widespread problem warrants an in-depth exploration, to be carried out within this report. Beginning with a probe into the historical and contemporaneous challenges of food peril, this paper contends that structural changes at an international level are necessary to improve global access to sustenance. Case studies and multifaceted conceptualizations of the issue stop in the identification of viable solutions to e radicate food insecurity forever.HISTORICAL CONTEXTAlthough food insecurity is not a new phenomenon, the term was only coined in the mid-1970s, following a food crisis in 1972, which lasted for wiz year (Fulton, 2012). The magnitude of that crisis caused many to remark it, as the advent of food insecurity itself. Although it is a lot thought thatfood insecurity is a result of food scarcity, Friedmann (1982) pardons that food insecurity should be create by mental act as a structural turning point in the globes food action and distribution. Friedmann considers this first global food crisis to be the initial breakdown of the worlds food miserliness which sustained grain surpluses and depressed p sieves (1982). Fulton also attempts to draw our attention to the heart of the matter by referring to the ikon shift within the international food security discourse. Fulton (2012) contends that the analytical focus of the issue changed from food total management, to the assessment of pe oples ability to safely and consistently access food in a timely manner. In retrospect, the invention of new seed technologies, investments in rural agriculture, mod fertilizers and irrigation, caused many to be surprised by the catastrophe (Timmer, 2010). A variety of complex events, such as the oil crisis, rendered exploitation nations vulnerable and triggered the 1972 food crises (Friedmann, 1993). While some scholars regard oils radical price increases as the key catalyst to the food crisis, others interpret it differently (Fulton, 2012). Timmer for fashion model, suggests that the high food prices led to soaring crude(a) oil prices and that environmental catalysts were at the core of the 1972 food crisis (2010). Timmer goes on to explain that during the dry season in 1972 a severe drought, caused by El Nino, caused rice crops in Indonesia, Thailand and, the Philippines to be drastically reduced (Timmer, 2010). concisely aft(prenominal), domestic prices and demand for rice skyrocketed. To disturb domestic demand Thailand, the worlds leading rice exporter, banned rice export in April 1973. What followed was a nine months standstill in world rice markets. Countries were left to depend on rice imports to fulfill domestic demand for food. Residual effects of El Nino spread far across the globe and had devastating ramifications.In 1972 the worlds grain production decreased by 16 million metric tons (mmt), rice production dropped by14mmt and, wheat production diminished by 8mmt. Cumulatively, the total shortfall in world grain supply amounted to approximately 70 tons and repre directed an 8% reduction in global food supply. As a result of the shortage of food grains, prices rose. As a means of guranteeing their domestic food supply, oil-rich food-importing nation-states, reacted with an oil embargo against the United States and the former Soviet Union. Following the increase in oil prices, fertilizerprices also went up. The international company responde d to the crisis and the countries in dire straits, by formulating what Friedmann terms a temporary, elegant and dangerous solution (1993). The solution was to allege lavished transnational bank loans, financed by oil-rich nations (Friedmann, 1993). The global food crisis originated due to severe weather conditions that were exacerbated by financial turmoil. Together with the Cold War, these issues aggravated the socio-political and economic conditions which last lead to explosive grain prices. CONTEMPORARYCHALLENGES font STUDIESSince the food crisis in the early 1970s, benevolentity has witnessed a variety of countries declaring food emergencies, such as shortage. In the year 2006 alone, twenty- cardinal of the thirty-nine serious food emergencies were caused by the aftermath of violent actions, natural hazards or, a combination of the devil (Alinovi, 2007). Of these thirty-nine serious food traumas, several of these crises were on-going for years and, in some brasss for de cades (Alinovi, 2007). The impregnation and severity of a nations political conflicts dictates the impact that that conflict has on the food security. In certain instances it is impossible for some developing nations to overcome such dismal conditions. Since 1986, at least five African countries have been in a constant state of food insecurity for fifteen years, or more. A country that best embodies this is Somalia. Recent occurrences in the Horn of Africa, where hundreds of thousands of people died due to starvation, have been intumesce publicized and are easily-known by the general public. Without looking at the broader context, the mainstream media was quick to assert that the famine in Somalia was caused by severe drought. While it is correct that the region received the lowest rainfall that it had in sixty years, the famine was compounded by neglect. Two years prior to the famine, Islamist rebels prohibited most attend to agencies from working in Somalia and the rebels only rescinded the ban when the food situation there was officially labeled a famine. Famines are declared when, a third of the child population is acutely malnourished and when two adults or four children per 10,000 people die of hunger each day (Chossudovsky, 2011). Before and during the famine in Somalia, the atmosphere was one of lawlessness, gang warfare and anarchy all of whichcontributed to the famine (Chossudovsky, 2011). It is noteworthy to mention that this was not the first time that conditions were severe in Somalia. In fact, in 1992 thousands of citizens starved to death and far-reaching famines prompted international intervention. When president Siad Barre was overthrown in 1991, Somalia effectively became a failed state and politically driven civil-wars led to impoverishment. United Nations peacekeeping forces were eventually pulled out of the country after two American B want Hawk helicopters were shot down in 1993.Another nation that exemplifies contemporary food insec urity is Sudan. In the typesetters case of Sudanese, the major catalyst for the crisis was the conflict between the central government and a rebel group, the Sudan Peoples Liberation Army (SPLA) (Alinovi, 2007). When a country endures a civil war, an extraordinary amount of stress is placed on the civilian population. non only are hospitals, clinics, schools and agriculture services diminished, or closed altogether, trade links and communication networks are disrupted indefinitely (Dodge, 1990). The policies enacted by the Sudanese government are directly related to the level of food insecurity experienced in the countrys Nuba Mountains. The Unregistered Land Act of 1970 resulted in a grab for farming land and displaced peaceful Nuba villagers. In addition to disrupting the Nuba peoples agro-ecology, humanitarian aid in SPLA controlled areas was blocked (Pantuliano, 2007). These measures successfully disrupted the villagers conventional farming systems in favour of big mechanized corporate agriculture (Pantuliano, 2007). These two case studies are prime examples of nations that have suffered from food insecurity due to political conflicts, lawlessness and anarchy. It is clear that given the multidimensional nature of the problem, short-term humanitarian aid will not yield successful results. Consequently, a complex issue such as food insecurity requires multifaceted solutions.EXPLORING FOOD INSECURITYThe causes of food insecurity are as unique as the countries that are impacted therefore conceptualizing the issue requires that it be examined from varying angles. An inability to access adequate and nourishing food inevitably results in malnourishment. This section will examine whetherthe Malthusian theory can pay heed in obtaining a great understanding of the emergence and persistence of food insecurity. The Malthusian surmise of race refers to works by Robert Malthus. Malthus theory relies on the premise that two fixed factors are the driving forces of human existence food and passion between the sexes. Further, Malthus contends that unchecked populations grow exponential functionly, while food supplies increase arithmetically. These differing result rates are what Malthus believed caused populations to grow faster than their food supply according to him, this in turn causes food insecurity. Appendix A represents this concept visually. Malthus believed that when a high population is strained due to a lack of food, naturally occurring preventive checks keep the population from getting out of control (Drysdale, 1878). Essentially he believed that food insecurity itself was caused these checks (Drysdale, 1878). There are however many critics of the Malthusian Theory. Ester Boserup believed that a small population rattling restrains technological innovations and keeps agriculture at subsistence levels. Boserup asserts that major innovations in agriculture only occurred when food insecurity was a factor because it forced stupendous populations to define any means of sustaining its populace. Julian Simon was equally as vituperative of Malthus and regarded people as resource creators rather than, resource destroyers. Simon believed that population growth has a positive, and not a negative impact on development. Both Boserup and Simon contend that the Malthusian Theory of Population fails to sufficiently explain the causes of food insecurity (Malthusian Crisis, 2009).Critics go on to highlight another of Robert Malthuss shortcomings he did not withdraw into account human ability to intentionally control birth rate. The Malthusian theory states that food insecurity results in population controls such as food shortages, epidemics, pestilence and plagues. It is therefore possible for humans, given a lack of food, to simply decide to limit their reproduction. Malthusian theory also underestimates the possibility that food can increase at an exponential rate. Scientific advancements in the last few centuries have m ade the exponential growth of food production a reality (International Society, 2009). Neo-Malthusian theory, despite accepting human beings ability to control fertility and therefore the population growth rate, still fails to account for the progress being made towards increasing global food supplies(Acselrad, 2006). Many of the areas that experience food insecurity are in third world countries, which are characterized by very high birth rates. The concern now is to find out why food insecurity continues to exist. If Malthus theory has been disproven and there truly is enough food for everyone in the world it is extremely important, now more than ever, to examine other possible causes of continued international food imbalances.EXPLORING FOOD INSECURITY THE ROLE OF CORPORATIONSWhile Malthus was correct in his emphasis on technology and the environmental burdens associated with food production, in relation to the effects of food insecurity, he could not have conceptualized the far-re aching impact of large multinational agribusiness corporations. Contemporary industrialized societys agricultural economies are characterized by the commodification of food products, engineered from the farm to the dinner table (Drabenstott, 1995). This industrialized approach applies principals of economic efficiency to cultivation and, has resulted in a slippery slope of revenue prioritization achieved through the technological alteration of food itself. Biotechnology has enabled the food industry to increase crop yield and revenues through the isolation and incorporation of specific traits from other plants or animals, into food products (Drabenstott, 1995). While genetically Modified Organisms or GMO foods superficially appear to be reducing shortages, and by extrapolation food scarcity related deaths environmental damage caused by intense corporate farming and the high toxicity of GMO foods, actually work to undermine the worlds food security. Intensive farming by agribusiness es degrades the dent and increases the industrys reliance on chemicals. Fiscally sound, the application of pesticides during the food cultivation process produces greater yield and assures better storage and distribution of the product (Court, 2006). Generally utilise aerially using helicopters or airplanes, herbicides such as Atrazine are estrogen disruptors and increase the risk of Parkinsons disease (Aiyelaagbe, 2011). Herbicides often transported via advance runoff, leeches into the ground where it contaminates distant water sources and, can cause cancer after increased exposure (Aiyelaagbe, 2011). Toxins applied during production are inevitably transferred to the produce and have adverse effects on human populations worldwide. Genetically engineered ormodified foods have similar, unpublicized, adverse effect.Global leader in agribusiness ingenuity, Monsanto Corporations modified Bt corn was engineered with a bacteria bacillus thuringiensis. This bacterium produces the pestic ide Bttoxin aimed at killing insects during production. Appendix B illustrates this process. Monsanto Corporation told the public that the Bttoxin was all safe because it would be completely destroyed in the human digestive system however that was not a true statement. Studies have shown the pesticide to be present in the fetal blood of 80% of pregnant Canadian women tested (Smith, 2013). The full effects of the toxin are still apart(p) nevertheless preliminary research indicates that Bt may cause deformities in unborn children (Smith, 2013). Without speaking to the morality of the subject, technological changes to alter the biological processes of plants and animals for the purposes of increasing crop yield, is actually counter-productive to the goal of sustaining life. Corporations such as Monsanto facilitate modern industrial societys commodification of life sustaining nourishment. In short, the western corporatization of agriculture has left the world with a food system that n o longer functions to provide safe, wholesome and nutritious food for all people.SOLUTIONS & CONCLUSIONSFood insecurity can be found in every corner of the globe and is usually caused by drought, famine, natural disasters, war, political instability, economic upheaval and most recently, global warming. Although developed and developing countries alike suffer from varying degrees of the problem, the former suffers less often than the latter. As is the case in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in unseasoned Orleans, USA food insecurity can be a short-term problem, that if effectively tackled, can be rectified (Huffingtonpost, 2012). Food insecurity can also spiral into a long-term problem, as is the case in Sudan North Africa where political instability has fostered food insecurity in the region (Mensah, 2013). Food insecurity in most cases is caused by natural disasters (ie. earthquake in Haiti, tsunami in Thailand) where there is little or no warning. Natural disasters destroy in frastructure and food supplies therefore it is a necessity that nations be doctor in the event of any emergency. The first step to take when the problem of food insecurity arises is to valuate local needs. Need isdetermined by the causal factors of the crisis in a particular area. Conducting a all-encompassing evaluation, by examining key data on local assets, resources and, livelihood strategies is key to minimizing damage. For example, response teams could be sent out to meet directly with community members to better understand local conditions and create a cooperative plan of action to end food insecurity. The solutions to food insecurity can be classified into two categories short-term and long-term solutions. short-run solutions usually precede long-term solutions and are the first responses to emergency situations. Short-term strategies include the distribution of food, cash and other items to prevent food insecurity in smaller timeframe. An example of this can be observe d among the poor in the United States on food stamps and as well as in Haiti. Haiti received food aid and cash gifts from organizations and people around the world after an earthquake struck the island nation. Haiti has had a long history of food insecurity, brought about by political instability and poor governance. Long-term solutions to food insecurity are devised with a more stable future in mind.Technological innovations have proven to be the main source of hope for future food security. through and through technological innovation we can and have been able increase crop production to fight food insecurity and build stability internationally. Through sophisticated methods like genetic engineering, scientists have been able to substitute the DNA of crops in order to increase agricultural output. An example of this can be observed in the case of an apple an apple is about the size of a little pea, it started somewhere in Russia and it was indigestible at the time of discovery. The domestication of the plant has resulted in twenty thousand different varieties of the fruit, all originated from one plant species (Despommier, n.d.). This report, above all things, demonstrates that augmented crop yield does absolutely nothing to increase marginalized peoples access to food. Technologically driven agriculture is unsustainable and damages poorer populations only tool of self-determinism the land. Genetically modified foods and seeds contain diminished nutritional value and are toxic to human beings. Food insecurity in actuality, directly relates to socio-political issues that exacerbate the neo-liberal dilemma of unfair food distribution. Each country must therefore winnow out hegemonic policies and take their populations survival into their own hands. This reportcalls for return to subsistence farming. Importing food to meet domestic need, in constantly fluctuating and volatile markets, adds to the problem of unreliable food supplies. Neither entirely correct nor incorrect, Malthus had no way of accounting for globalizations impact on absolutely every facet of contemporary life. Unless the international community abandons equality in favor of equity, rampant food insecurity will continue. deeds CITEDAbandon the Cube (2011). Seven Billion and Counting. Abandon the Cube. Retrieved from http//, H. (2006). Neo-Malthusianism A Narrow Theory Exceeds Its Carrying Capacity. Political Environments, (5).Action Against Hunger. Food Security & Livelihoods. Retrieved from http//, L., Hemrich, G., & Russo, L. (2007). Addressing food insecurity in fragile states case studies from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia and Sudan (No. 07, p. 21). ESA Working Paper.Borras, S. M. (2008). Transnational agrarian movements confronting globalization. M. Edelman & C. Kay (Eds.). Chichester Wiley-Blackwell.Chossudovsky, M. (2011). Somalia The Real Causes of Famine. Global Research, 4-17.Despommier, D.(n.d.). The Key to Population development and Food Production Video File. Retrieved from http//, C. P. (1990). Health implications of war in Uganda and Sudan. 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Friday, May 17, 2019
Deloitte Case Essay
Runway offers existing customers (the be Customer) a $25 acknowledgment (the $25 Referral cite) if the Existing Customer refers a associate (the New Customer) to Runways Web site and the New Customer purchases merchandise from Runway. afterward a purchase is made by the New Customer, the Existing Customer receives a $25 credit to be applied to a future purchase from Runway.The $25 Referral Credit represents the fair value of the cost Runway would pay to acquire a new customer from an unrelated third party or marketing firm who is not a purchaser of its products. The program is open to all of Runways customers and does not need to be combined with any initial or existing purchases. Required1. How should the $25 Referral Credit be recorded in Runways Income Statement as a step-down of revenue or as a marketing expense? Explain your answer and support it using the FASB Codification. Your answer should include the Codification reference where you found the applicable steering.2 . When would Runway record the $25 Referral Credit?What are the entries Runway would record when the $25 Referral Credit is earned by the Existing Customer? certify entries in prissy journal entry form.What are the entries Runway would record when the $25 Referral Credit is redeem against a $100 purchase made by the Existing Customer? Show entries in proper journal entry form.3. Runway is planning to adopt IFRSs in the near future. What is the relevant accounting guidance they would follow under IFRSs? State the proper guidance and give a brief summary of it.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Eassy Rewrite Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Eassy Rewrite - Essay use(Plutarch 28) This account is based on what was told to Plutarchs witness grandfather, which no doubt shaped Plutarchs own suck of Cleopatra. That Plutarch was not as impressed as Antony is obvious from his use of words like haggard and incredible extravagance. (Plutarch 28)Cleopatras fame, at least in the Western intellectual tradition, owes to a great utmost her encounter with the Romans, and in particular Mark Antony amongst other leaders. This also means that the Roman perspective on Cleopatra and Egypt is shaped as much by these interactions, dealings and visits than other aspects of her rule and kingdom. This fame, however, was coloured by the Romans view of her as someone who led great men like Antony astray. She successfully captivated the attention of Antony as with Caesar earlier, but in Rome, for all her hospitality, she became the victim of a vicious propaganda campaign (1.3). At the heart of this misfortunate circumstance for Cleopatra was Octavians envy for and conflict with Antony. Thus, there are two opposing perspectives on Cleopatra. superstar is the affectionate perspective as indulged in by Antony, and the other is the negative picture portrayed by Octavian and much of the rest of Rome. In the end, the defeat of the former at the decisive battle of Actium allowed history to be largely s flaired by viewing Egypt as an enemy of Rome, and Cleopatra as a seductress, enemy and loser. This negative line drawing of Cleopatra and Egypt were present in Octavians speech delivered before the battle. He gave the impression to his army that Egypts way of life was decadent, and that Antony had been enslaved by Cleopatra. (Cocceianus 54)Although Cleopatras effect Antony caused a deep impression and led him to develop miserly attachment, the wider and more lasting Roman view as promoted by Octavian and Plutarch, was one of
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Innocent LTD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Innocent LTD - Essay ExampleAccording to Triandis (1990), individualistic cultures emphasise independence, achievement, freedom, high levels of competition, and merriment whereas collectivist cultures tend to embrace interdependence, family security, social hierarchies, co-operation and low levels of competition. UK has an individualistic culture, which constitute the main factors of independence, achievement, freedom, high levels of competition, and pleasure. Thats why the Innocent drinks give very much importance to taste. With the increasing awareness among the target population regarding the problems of obesity and other health diseases Innocent drink emphasises on the purity and the neutrality of the ingredients. These qualities correctly aiming at the demands of the customers oblige Innocent drinks the largest player of smoothies market in UK capturing 65% of the total market share.Advertising, as a variety show of social communication, is particularly reflective, and indica tive of culture and its norms. To the extent that advertizement does reflect cultural differences, and there live on clear differences between distinct cultural patterns, advertising appeals, which are specific approaches advertisers use to communicate how their products entrust satisfy customer needs (Arens & Bovee, 1994), should manifest such differences across these countries.Taste remains the companys number superstar priority. ... ste test awards than its competitors, scooping Best UK Soft Drink in the Q Awards, the UKs principal food industry competition, every year since 2002. (Farr, 2006) The Company sells 70,000 fresh, healthy drinks each day everywhere from Boots to Sainsburys to a local deli. The company has the only lead of 100% pure fruit smoothies that uses fresh, rather than concentrated juice. (Innocent drinks, 2004) SWOT Analysis of the Coca-Cola CompanySTRENGTHSStrong set name.Extended customer in more than 200 countries.Use of SAP R/3 green light Resource planning softwareLow threat of new entrants.Continuous training programs for employees.High budgets of advertising and promotion.Good relations with media.Web based presence.WEAKNESSESLow ROE Subsidiaries create legal and territorial problems.neediness of funds for regional bottlers to continue expansionOld image still exists.Inconsistent marketing message.OPPORTUNITIES blowup in shape of introduction of new and innovative products.Expanding market due to globalisation. THREATS Current economic climate. all over reliance on the bottlers. Results to be achieved in future can be less than projectedThe Threats-Opportunities-Weaknesses-Strengths (TOWS) matrix is an important matching tool that helps managers develop four types of strategies So Strategies, WO strategies, ST Strategies, and WT Strategies.SO strategies use a firms inbred strengths to take benefit of external opportunities.WO Strategies aim at improving internal weaknesses by taking advantage of external opportunities.S T Strategies use a firms strengths to avoid or reduce the impact of external threats.WT Strategies are vindicatory tactics directed at reducing internal weaknesses and avoiding environmental threats. (David,
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